I absolutely love seasonal decorations...but I don't love the prices (and for some reason I love them one year and don't the next). So this is the first of many home-made Christmas decorations! :)
Every year I say I will go out and shop the day after a holiday to snag all the deals and yet somehow I never do. So I have been keeping my eye open in stores for decorations that I love, but could easily make at home with my own twist. I saw something similar to this years ago in a Country Sampler Magazine at my mother-in-law's house. Of course they wanted an arm and a leg for them so I made my own for free!
My Materials:
- Any fabric that you want to use
- Scissors to cut the fabric
- Christmas lights
I cut strips of fabric that I had just laying around. They varied in sizes from about 2 1/2 - 3 inches in length and 1/2 inch in width. I didn't measure or get all fancy, I just cut strips. Plus, I love the look it gives it at the end!
And cut a bunch! I used 3 strips in between every light bulb. Depending on how long your strand of lights are, will determine how much fabric you'll use. Also, if you want a more or less full look you can vary how many pieces of fabric you use between each light bulb. Completely preference!
Since I use jars for everything, I just stored the strips of fabric in a jar since I have 3 little kids running around and this project was a little time consuming.
My before lights! I used white since I had very colorful fabric and I love the classic white anyway. You can use any lights that you love or have laying around.
All I did was take the fabric and tie it around the strand of lights! It is lights and garland all mixed up into one!
The more fabric you use, the fuller it will look.
This is with just two strips of fabric in between the lights and gives it a less full look, but still looks awesome on the tree!
An up close shot of our newest addition for our Christmas tree this year!
Depending on the type of fabric you use will affect the look of your tree. I used very country fabric and patterns. If I had burlap left, I probably would have used it. But you can use a fancier fabric if you like your Christmas tree to have a more elegant look! That is what is wonderful about DIY projects, you can make them all your own and add or take away anything! What ever is appealing to you will be perfect on your
Christmas tree :)
I love the outcome and I love what it will add to our Christmas tree. Since most of our ornaments are already handmade, this light garland will fit right in! I'm so excited to see it on our Christmas tree this year!
This could also be made into a wreath or a little extra added to your other decorations!