In today's society the word "submissive" alone sends up red flags, not to mention putting it in front of wife. I do not mean submissive in that I only speak when spoken to or that I follow any and all directions from my husband without question. It purely means that as the head of our household, he makes the final decision when it comes to our family and he is the leader of our home. I have trusted this man with my heart, life, mind, children, and everything else I have to offer so it should be no surprise that I would trust his judgment for any decision that comes our way. I have comfort, though, knowing that he values my opinions and ideas and he draws his guidance from God and not solely on his own judgments. My husband has sacrificed more for our family than I will ever know and I strive every day to be the wife that he deserves. I fall short every day, but his love and God's grace keep me wanting to try harder and do better.
By being a devoted mother, I do not, by any means, claim to be the perfect mom that I want to be. I lose my cool, yell way too often, and sometimes don't pay enough attention to the make believe games we play. I am saying that I want to provide an organized home, loving atmosphere, and exciting new ways to teach my kids. It is easy to get overwhelmed or discouraged, but it is important to surround yourself with positive people and leaving little notes can be helpful, too! This is what I do to remind me of what is truly important and the woman I want to be :
I also have such godly women in my life, my mother, mother-in-law, sisters, grandmas, and friends, who are great examples and hold me accountable for my actions. To be a Proverbs 31 woman is hard work, but it is simple: be humble, helpful, diligent, hardworking, giving, honest, get back up when we fail. Because we will all fail at one point, but we need to encourage each other to keep pressing forward. This is one way I encourage my husband. I can have the tendency to nag, so instead I leave him notes or in this case: every day when he opens his closet to get dressed, this is what he sees. And I know that because of his love for his family, that love is plenty to inspire and encourage him to provide more than enough for us.
I am so lucky to be able to know what my purpose is right at this moment. I am even luckier to have a husband that allows and even wants me to stay home with our children in a society where careers and your profession are so important. Even though, I am little in this world I am a mom. And moms impact this world more than anything else.