Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Humble Home-made Holiday!

I was convinced this year to have that "Country Living" Christmas look with my decorations and I was convinced to do it on the smallest of budgets. With thrifty finds, handmade creations, and a mother cleaning out her Christmas decorations I was able to do it! (Well at least I think I was able to do it) I even got my favorite of compliments- "Your home is so homey"...! Sure, it might have been from my best friend, but hey I'll take it :) We have a little more space in our new home this year and I felt like the decorations I had were not enough to make it look "Christmasy" I got to work! I also had to be mindful because I have 6 little hands grabbing anything and everything so most of my decorations are incorporated above the waist height wise. Here are my finds and some ideas and I hope they give you some inspiration!

I used some ornaments and twisted jute twine to make an ornament garland to hang in our living room. I love the fanciness of gold and red paired with the rustic of the twine. And any decoration out of reach of the children is always good ;) 

It would also be cute with any other kind of ornaments or even snow flakes! 

I've saved a bunch of Christmas cards over the years so I punched some holes in them and they also make a beautiful garland! 

I loved the way it turned out and its nice when friends recognize their Christmas cards up there!

Of course I have to have my wooden signs :) My home wouldn't be complete without them.

The wreath was made by my sister-in-law last year for Christmas and is so simple and beautiful. I just love it!
I keep this bucket by the back door and change the contents for the season...this time I just cut some branches from a couple evergreens on our property. It adds a subtle fragrance as you walk in the door!

The wreath was a 50 cent thrift store find that I will probably add to and most of the other decorations were given to me from my mom or found at the Goodwill. I got a whole box of candle sticks for only $2! I've used some in my room and I was thankful that there were Christmas colors in there :) 

More cut branches to add a pop of green and a lovely scent in the kitchen :) Since I am not a fan of the wood stove portal cover, I am thinking about adding doiles or wrapping paper to the back of the window!

Our kitchen chalkboard all ready for Christmas! I love the change and it just makes me smile whenever I look at it! It's simple and the kids can't reach it is the perfect decoration!

I have several other decorations that I still need to upload to the computer, but these are probably my favorite! Also, I will probably be adding more since we are going to be throwing a Christmas dessert party and I cannot wait! Plus...I need more glitter and Christmas is the perfect time to have a bunch in the home :) So this is just the start....decorating in this home is an ongoing process ;) 

{What is your favorite decoration that you or your family do at Christmas time??} 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Getting a Head Start on Christmas!

I absolutely love seasonal decorations...but I don't love the prices (and for some reason I love them one year and don't the next). So this is the first of many home-made Christmas decorations! :) 

Every year I say I will go out and shop the day after a holiday to snag all the deals and yet somehow I never do. So I have been keeping my eye open in stores for decorations that I love, but could easily make at home with my own twist. I saw something similar to this years ago in a Country Sampler Magazine at my mother-in-law's house. Of course they wanted an arm and a leg for them so I made my own for free! 

My Materials:
  • Any fabric that you want to use
  • Scissors to cut the fabric
  • Christmas lights

I cut strips of fabric that I had just laying around. They varied in sizes from about 2 1/2 - 3 inches in length and 1/2 inch in width. I didn't measure or get all fancy, I just cut strips. Plus, I love the look it gives it at the end!

And cut a bunch! I used 3 strips in between every light bulb. Depending on how long your strand of lights are, will determine how much fabric you'll use. Also, if you want a more or less full look you can vary how many pieces of fabric you use between each light bulb. Completely preference!

Since I use jars for everything, I just stored the strips of fabric in a jar since I have 3 little kids running around and this project was a little time consuming. 

My before lights! I used white since I had very colorful fabric and I love the classic white anyway. You can use any lights that you love or have laying around. 

All I did was take the fabric and tie it around the strand of lights! It is lights and garland all mixed up into one! 

The more fabric you use, the fuller it will look. 

This is with just two strips of fabric in between the lights and gives it a less full look, but still looks awesome on the tree!

An up close shot of our newest addition for our Christmas tree this year! 

Depending on the type of fabric you use will affect the look of your tree. I used very country fabric and patterns. If I had burlap left, I probably would have used it. But you can use a fancier fabric if you like your Christmas tree to have a more elegant look! That is what is wonderful about DIY projects, you can make them all your own and add or take away anything! What ever is appealing to you will be perfect on your 
Christmas tree :) 

I love the outcome and I love what it will add to our Christmas tree. Since most of our ornaments are already handmade, this light garland will fit right in! I'm so excited to see it on our Christmas tree this year! 


This could also be made into a wreath or a little extra added to your other decorations!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall in a Box!

The past couple of years have been just a wee bit {crazy} with my family! Not only my little family growing into a much bigger one, but my sisters and parents as well. I have two older sisters who are my best friends. We grow, laugh, cry, plot, backslide, fight, encourage, listen, advise, joke, protect, love, and play together. So with them both moving way too far away, the thing they miss most besides family are the seasons. Sarah is loving the heat in Texas and Katie is somewhat enjoying the heat of Arizona, but craving the beautiful Fall colors and fragrant aromas of pumpkin floating around the house by breezes through open windows. So each year, I put together a little Fall for them and I call it....

Fall in a Box! 

It has everything that I love most about Fall! From candy to candles and a little extra :) This is what I included last year:

(This is when my sister Katie lived in Hawaii!) 

Although this is probably something kindergartners would do in class, it was such a great way to preserve the colors of the leaves and to keep them from breaking/crinkling. Plus it looks so pretty in the sunlight!

Candy corn is my sisters favorite candy and I know they can buy these things anywhere, but I thought a little home made candle and some goodies from back home might be a nicer gift then anything else I could have sent :) 

This year I will continue with my Fall in a Box, but change it up a bit. Maybe throw in some acorn garland or pine cones with glitter (Katie and I can't get enough glitter)! Gifts...especially little packages in the mail...are a great way to show someone you are thinking about them. And it often seems to come at just the right time when we need a little pick me up! God has a funny way of knowing exactly what we need, when we need it and He always provides! 

Go send someone a little something just to show them they are loved :) You will probably end up feeling just as blessed by it! Enjoy!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Staying {Relatively} Sane in an Imaginative World

If you told me 6 years ago that I would be a wife and mother (let alone a stay at home mom), there is no way I would have believed you. It was not my plan when I set off for college. But boy am I glad His ways are not my own and that God has a better plan than I could have EVER dreamed of for myself! And his plan has led me to this:

{a wife and mother of three loving and cheerful children}


Being a stay at home mom has been one of the greatest gifts my husband has ever given me. Not only do we have three beautiful children (with another due in a few short months), but he works so hard every day so that I can stay home and be the primary influence on their lives. That selfless and burdened task of being the "bread winner" to a growing family shows me that, to him, our family is worth certain sacrifices, that he trusts me with our children all day/every day, and more importantly that he believes that I would be the best teacher and guider for them as they grow into adults. 

Being with my children during the day is a beautiful things as I watch them develop and mature. To see a child learn something that you taught them is the most humbling and incredible experience (unless it is behavior that I might not be so proud rolling my eyes). But don't get me beautiful as it can be, it can be just as challenging. 

When imaginative games consume your day and the only conversation you have is with a 4, 2 1/2 and 1 year can start to get a little stir crazy. Things are tight and date nights are scarce, the closest civilization is 25 minutes away, not to mention you live in the country where phone service is limited and its a treat when you can have a conversation with an adult longer than 7 minutes. Whether it is interrupted by someone needing more juice or a dropped call, sometimes the outside world seems so far away. So what do you do to keep it all together? 

I used to think, "I need some ME time!" I would demand it from my family and be unhappy until I had a moment or two undisturbed by myself. But I found, it isn't "me time" I needed...its time with Him. I needed that daily drink of His word in order to function, be a leader, have patience, and be the mother that God intended. I was finding that when I went a couple days without a  quiet time (and by quiet, I mean reading a verse or two before being needed :) ) I was unable to have an unlimited supply of patience, understanding, tolerance, etc. All the traits needed to be a stay at home mom that my children deserve. So I came up with a system. We have this lovely chalkboard window in our kitchen {where a  lot of our time is spent}:

so I utilized it with little reminders that help point me back in the right directions:

Each reminder helps get my attitude, spirit, and body right. So every time I look at my chalkboard, I have to pick one thing to do. The only rule is that I have to do each of them at least once a day. And let me tell you...I have seen a  WORLD of difference. The best part? My kids have been doing them with me! Who doesn't like a phone call from a child just to say I love you? And you should see their push ups...hysterical :) Anyway, when I catch myself in a funk or having a day filled with extra battles from a strong-willed child, any one of these reminders helps me to clear my head and focus on whats really important...that spilled milk? Or talking with God? Or being thankful? Or staying healthy? Or singing the kids' favorite song on our front porch? 

I am finding that when I seek God in my daily routines, I find more of the things that make this life so beautiful. I find purpose and strength for those tough moments; those days when nap time seems like it will never come. With little exercises or filling my mind with bible verses, my heart and body are ready to conquer tasks because I know that I'm not alone. I have a merciful and gracious heavenly Father, a trusting and supportive husband, and forgiving and loving children who make this life worthwhile :) 

{The man that makes all this possible by following Christ and leading our family}

Beautiful Impromptu Pumpkin :)

           It seems that with Fall comes busy and hectic schedules. My kids aren't even in school yet and I feel like we are constantly on the go! It was already late in September before we went to get our pumpkins and I was itchin' for some. My parents were coming down for a weekend and wanted to go with us so we put off the pumpkin search until they got here. I was hating not having any orange to spice up our home so this was my little trick to appease me until we could get our pumpkins...

Each morning the kids would have a blast picking out which face they wanted to eat and we even drew ghost faces on the bananas! (I didn't snap a picture of those, though). Anyhow...I found that even after we finally got our pumpkins, we couldn't find the time to carve them! So instead I decided to do a quick little decorating during nap time. 

I love glitter. I am like a 12 year old girl when it comes to glitter. I finally found an appropriate place to get my fill of glitter :) Glitter Pumpkins! All I used was glue and glitter and the outcome was even more beautiful than I anticipated! The best part?  It literally took me 5 minutes to do and cost next to nothing! 

My supplies :)

The Outcome! All *glittered* up! 

It was so beautiful in the sun, but unfortunately I was using it inside to decorate.

As you can see, the glue ran a bit so I had to be sure to keep checking back to wipe it up as it dried!

But I am enjoying it just as much inside. It is a lovely welcome when we walk in the door :) 

{I love it!}

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Meet Our New Buffet!

Not so much new to our home anymore, but new to the blog! Our kitchen lacks counter and cabinet space so I had been keeping my eye out for a nice dresser or buffet piece that would be the perfect little addition in our cozy kitchen. I found this little treasure at our Goodwill for only $40! 

Although not exactly what I pictured for our kitchen...I definitely saw its potential! It was everything I wanted; not too deep, not too big, nice and long, and I LOVED the two doors. So I got to work!

I began sanding...and sanding....and sanding....

I had the perfect spot all picked out and when I finally finished painting and distressing (which actually didn't take as long as I had anticipated) we were ready to move it to its new home! 

Ta Da! 

{So Perfect}

It was the perfect piece for what we needed and I am still on the look out for some knobs that will add a little more pizazz. Although, I like that the wood knobs tie in our cabinets quite nicely!

It is amazing how a piece can transform a room. I think that might be my favorite part about Interior Design. This piece added coziness and function to a kitchen that was lacking it. I enjoy looking at it every day and the extra space is just as lovely!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Easiest Canopy Bed Ever!

It has been ages since I have sat down to make a new post, but we are adding two more little feet to our family in March so hectic and busy would be an understatement for my family right now :) And even though nap time is more like "family nap time" these days, I have been working on a couple projects that I would like to share!

Just recently we moved our daughter to a big girl bed and although I loved the little white iron bed, I felt bad that my husband made a sweet hanging bed for our son and she would just get a bed (a bed we found for free by the way). So I got to thinkin'. Peighton loves to pretend to be a who hunts, but loves animals, who loves dress up, but only if its pink. So I thought the perfect bed would be a pretty canopy bed/hunting blind. Which we named Princess Bed. With my husbands help it literally took about 20 minutes tops! The most time was in the planning. Here is the cheapest, easiest, and stress free way to make a canopy for a bed!

What I used:

  • Two panels of plain white window curtains (very light)
  • A metal hanger
  • Fishing line
  • A screw in hook (or you could use a screw eye, but the hook is even easier!

First step- make the metal hanger into a circle.
Second step- put the curtains onto the hanger and twist the hanger into a closed circle.
Third step- tie four equal length strands of fishing line to the hanger.
Fourth step- tie the four pieces of line together.
Fifth step- screw in your hook where you want the canopy to hang.
Sixth step- Hang up your canopy!!! 

Could it be any easier?? I don't think so :) And she loves it!!!

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